Listen to a compelling discussion of the changing business of law featuring Marcie Borgal Shunk of The Tilt Institute, Ian Turvill of Freeborn & Peters. Moderated by Geoff Frost, Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore.

The third installment in the Body of Knowledge podcast series is now live, and moderator Geoffrey Frost (Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore LLP) kicks off this episode on the Business of Law domain with a thought-provoking quote: “Being a lawyer is a profession, but running a law firm is a business.” Tune in as Frost, joined by LMA Education Advisory Counsel members and legal marketing experts Ian Turvill (Freeborn & Peters LLP) and Marcie Shunk (The Tilt Institute) discuss this critical domain, touching on such topics as alternative ways of attracting capital, the recent shift in the spectrum of legal services, and why it’s critical to invest time into thinking differently and finding new approaches to running a law firm.